
Guam Community College Online Newsletter

Welcome Back!

An easy guide to the reopened GCC campus.

In the photo: Students practice social distancing as they wait for their next class.

January 6, 2021 – (Noteworthy) Welcome Back! An easy guide to the reopened GCC campus

The team here at Guam Community College worked hard to prepare our campus for students and faculty's return. And we are proud to announce that the campus is open from 8:00 am to 9:30 pm, Monday through Friday, and 8:00 am to 12 noon. Here are some helpful hints on what to expect:

Although GCC is a community-oriented campus, we allow campus access for students and official GCC business during this unique time. If you are feeling sick, please stay home or see your primary care physician.

Everyone entering the campus is required to wear a CDC approved face mask. Face shields may be worn over face masks but not as a replacement for a CDC approved face mask.

Being together means we all have a responsibility to maintain social distancing of at least six feet and frequently wash or sanitize our hands. While on campus, you will not be allowed to congregate in groups larger than five persons, and always maintain your six feet distance.

Everyone who enters the campus is responsible for cleaning their personal space. If you are in a classroom, computer lab, or office, clean your work area before you sit and again before leaving.

Most buildings and classrooms have designated entrance and exit doors, and please follow the directions so we can limit any unnecessary congregating.

If you're hungry and need to grab a bite, look no further. We are happy to announce that the BCS Café located near Building 400 is open for business. COVID rules apply. Limited seating and social distancing are enforced.

And finally, GCC partnered with the #CampusClear app that allows everyone coming on campus to conduct a self-screening to assess whether they should come on campus each day. We encourage everyone who will be coming on campus to download the app and use it daily to protect themselves and our campus community from the spread of COVID-19.

Download #CampusClear:

Google Play:

Apple App Store: