
Guam Community College Online Newsletter

Life on-campus goes on… even if it’s virtual.

Social and Emotional Training

In the photo: Hernalin Analista leads training via Google Meet with fellow employees.

January 14, 2021 – (Employee) Life on-campus goes on… even if it’s virtual. Social and Emotional Training

2020 was a year of many challenges. Fear of the COVID-19 pandemic, the sense of isolation and loss causes our stress levels to increase. Dealing with the anxieties of the people around us only adds to the stress levels. Thanks to GCC’s Hernalin Analista, we now have some tools to help us cope with our stress and anxiety. Hernalin held two online Social and Emotional Training sessions on January 14th that were open to all GCC employees.

The sessions lasted an hour-and-a-half and covered a wide range of issues. Are you a glass half empty or glass half full kind of person? How to get into the right mindset. Understanding the mind-body-emotion connection, and your basic emotional needs.

Hernalin also provided pointers on why we project our emotions on others, and how we can express those emotions appropriately. Ultimately, her sessions gave us hope that we can learn to control our emotions and develop emotional resilience.

This is exactly the kind of training and support we need during these strange times.